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Rules and Regulations

- The pupils should be clean and always neatly dressed. They should come to school in full school uniform. Pupils who are not in proper uniform and not smartly dressed will be sent to home from school.
- The pupils are expected to bring books regularly to school according to time table.
- The pupils are not allowed to bring valuables like costly watches jewelers etc. to school. Cycles and Bikes must be kept locked.
- The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings. The school will not be responsible for any articles lost.
- Any willful damage done by a pupil to the school building or property will be taken as serious offence and Parents/Guardians are liable to make good the loss.
- Pupils should obey house prefect, class monitors and other students on duty, changing of class room between periods should be done in silence.
- The pupils are expected to behave with most decorum. Flinging things at each other, whistling, or loud singing is not allowed in the school premises.
- The pupils must always remember that the school is judged by the discipline and conduct of its students. They should always be disciplined, polite and courteous to their teachers and others.
- Bullying and use of bad language are punished offences.
- The school reserves the right to terminate the studies of pupils with unsatisfactory progress in studies or those whose conduct sets a bad example to others.
- The parents are encouraged to approach the class/subject teacher to resolve any and all issues with regard to their wards. However because the school does not entertain an unhealthy and unpleasant interaction between the parents and the concerned delay the principal’s involvement in the resolution, of any and all unaddressed or inadequately addressed issues.
- To avoid any unhealthy interaction between the school authorities or teaching staff with the parents & visitors are strongly advised not to visit Teacher’s flat or visit Principal residence. All problems and matters can be solved in the school in the office hours only.
- Kindly check this diary daily & pay attention to the nothings/ suggestion given by the teacher if any put your signature with date against them.
- In case a child is to stay absent from school, the parents are requested to submit an application duly signed addressed to the principal through class teachers.
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